Product Review – NOW® Sports BCAA Big 6, My Intro to BCAAs for Endurance/Recovery

Happy Monday to you (or at least not super crappy)! I had one of those weekends where I blinked and was back at work this morning. That'll happen. On a good note, I RAN 13 PAIN-FREE MILES yesterday! They weren't REALLY pain free, but they were only the "regular" pains of a long run. There will be more to follow on that, but for now it's product review time! This time around I tried out a supplement called BCAA Big 6 (grape AND watermelon), made by a company called Now Foods. What are BCAAs, you ask? Good question. Before I was given the opportunity to try them, I had no idea. 

Rehoboth Beach Marathon Training Week 11 – And That’s the Way we Get by

What day is it? Feels like another Monday, but I'm told it's Tuesday. Soon enough, Tuesday will be gone with the wind. Speaking of songs, my blog post title comes from one and if you can name the artist I'll be especially impressed. The title speaks to where I am in my training right now. …

Product Review – Bedgear Galaxy 2.0 Performance Pillow – Cooler than BOTH sides of the pillow.

It's time for another product review. This time around, I'm reviewing the Bedgear Galaxy 2.0 performance pillow. Why do I care about pillows? The older that I get, the more I realize that sleep matters. It matters a LOT. I asked an elite runner what the most important part of training that isn't running is, and his response was sleep. I haven't exactly been great at this. 8 hours of sleep a night is the target, but I probably average somewhere around 6 to 6.5. My thinking is, if you can't get the quantity that you'd like, you better get the quality.

Rehoboth Beach Marathon Training Week 10 – If at First you Don’t Succeed…

Some of you may have noticed that I didn't post anything related to my training for the last couple of weeks. There's a reason for that. I WASN'T TRAINING. Ever since a run the day after my 40th birthday, I've been battling right leg pain that seemed to move all over the place. After plenty …

What to Post When not Running – My Top 5 Simpsons Treehouse of Horrors Episodes!

Hello! Running isn't going all that well for me at the moment, so I'm taking a break from doing it, posting about it, and hopefully thinking about it. Halloween is coming up, and one of my traditions is to bust out the fall beers and watch all of the Treehouse of Horrors episodes that the …