Running Some Hills, That’s Where I Want to be!

Good morning, my friends! I didn't expect to post anything today, but this morning's hill repeats inspired me a little so why not. If my title puts a song in your head, I've done my job. Hills are in pretty much any run when you live in Lynchburg, VA. It's actually known as "the hill city". …

? Marathon Training Week 3 – It’s a Young Man’s Game

Hello and Happy Monday to you, or at least a semi-tolerable Monday. I'm now on my 4th week of marathon training and have yet to pick a race. What a weirdo! (That's from a movie, but pretty obscure. You'll be my BEST FRIEND if you get it) This week's training had some ups and downs. …

Product Review – I’m Attached to Detach (Coconut Water Evolved)

Happy Friday to you! This is fantasy football draft Friday, which is like a combo of the 4th of July and Thanksgiving. My co-workers and I are pretty excited. I'm going to be one co-worker short though, as my great friend and now running buddy Lil' Code is moving on to bigger things. I've been mean to him all week. It's how I cope. Facts about me...Things that I hate: Black Olives (any olives really) Pickles Coconut