Playtime is Over, Son.

Hello, hello, hello! Here we are already into the last week of January. Time is flying by, so we'll probably all be singing Christmas songs again before we know it. I've been posting for several weeks about how happy I am to not be training for anything and that I'm enjoying running just to run. …

And so it Begins…

Happy Friday (Saturday now, but still happy), friends! It's been a long week, but it's SO CLOSE to being time to move into the good part. My week has been action packed in every way. Work has been busy (not such a bad thing) with lots of excitement going on. Jen and I are plotting …

Product Review – Zwift Run Foot Pod and App – Surviving the Treadmill

Good morning! For me, it's one of those Mondays that really just kind of connects to my last Friday. I feel like I never really had a weekend. It's weird and annoying when that happens, but we shall power through. As a BibRave Pro, I've tested ALL kinds of things! I've tested shoes, earphones, headwear, food, drinks and even pillows! Today's review involves a word that makes most runners cringe....the TREADMILL. The treadmill can be great for many things. I've said plenty about why I do like it once in a while (like this Tweet). That being said, it can get BORING. We're mostly looking for ways to kill time while we're on it. Zwift might just have one.