Product Review – Nathan Luna Fire 250 RX Chest/Waist Light – Light it Up Up Up

It's Wednesday, but it's Friday! I've been singing Christmas songs all day long. It's a happy time around the house and around the office. I'm a couple of pounds up, thanks to less running and more cookies (thank you, Brooke). This month, I had the opportunity to try out the Fire 250 RX Chest/Waist light from Nathan. Lights are kind of a big deal this time of year, since the sun takes a break at around 5pm and doesn't come up until I don't know when. I've used headlights and lights that you carry, but never a light that straps to your chest or waist.

Rehoboth Beach Marathon Recap and Happy Anniversary, My Achilles

Happy Friday! Today is my one year anniversary! No, not THAT anniversary (I've been married for 14 years now). It's the anniversary of that time I ruptured my Achilles tendon in a basketball game. I'm telling you, the injury was life changing. So one year later, here we are. I'm back to running. I'm back …